Born in 1968 in Russia, Oleg Ti has been an photographer for many years.
He has been hosting workshops all around the world for more than 5 years and there are so many cities in the world where photographers gather on his workshops: New York, Los Angeles, London, Istanbul, Dubai, Munich, Cologne, Kiev, Bangkok and dozens of cities in Russia.
He works with a lot of brands in Russia and in USA as a commercial photographer and large studio with experienced and talented crew helps him to create excellent pictures for advertising, fashion campaigns. He works with he World leading modelling agencies and his works could be seen in portfolios of models of such agencies as Women, Ford, DNA, Elite, Next and others.
At he same time he likes to create artistic works where he wants to show his own view on woman’s beauty. His work is distinguished by a unique look, bright colors and very sophisticated work with studio lighting.
Oleg is an author of numerous articles about photography techniques wich collect attentions from thousands of professional photographers. Now he lives mostly in New York, but traveling a lot, you can meet him in any place in the world.
I had the opportunity to ask Oleg a number of questions to get a closer look at his creative mind
What inspire you the most in terms of photography?
My inspiration is the beauty I see around me. I think that the main challenge for every photographer is to show his own beauty every day, if he has the ability to see it, to show it, to share it he will get the great success.
Who inspires you?
The people,the people around me and the cities I'm in.
learn more about this photo here
Your work mostly revolves around fashion/ beauty and commercial photography, is there any other types of photography that you're interested in?
Life of cities. I like to travel, to walk along the streets, to look at the cities, to feel them, to understand them and sometimes I even take pictures.
What style of photography that you can't find yourself do?
I think there isn't any style I couldn't find myself doing. I think every photographer finds his style while going through all styles. Not just deciding which style would be better for him.
What do you look for in a model?
It depends on the point of view I am looking at . As a test photographer, as a commercial photographer, as an art photographer, or as a fashion photographer. It depends what the audience is expecting. You have to understand it and you have to switch from one view to another.
Most of your work is with female models, have you ever thought about photographing guys for a change?
I had been trying. But all agents said: it is not yours.
Are there any photographers out there who's work you admire?
Sure! All of them! I consider every photographer as my concurrent. But I try to consider every photographer also as a teacher.
learn how to create this beautiful photo here
You have an educational blog where you teach your techniques and methods of shooting and editing photos, how did it all start? do you find yourself teaching full time?
I like to teach. I really like to teach. I have hosted around 300 workshops all around the world during last years. And I like that my knowledge is available for people.
What do you enjoy doing other than photography?
A lot. The life around myself.
learn more about this photo here
You're quite the traveler! what countries do you want to visit again?
I usually start to miss the city at my way to the airport. I miss them all.
Your photos have a very distinct style, bright colors and light manipulation.. would you call that your style?
My style is to choose new ideas. Having taken a picture I always think what else can I do .
What is your favorite photograph taken by you?
I haven't created this photograph yet!
Do you think its hard to be unique and have your own style in photography? how do you manage to stay creative?
You have to answer just one question. What can I do to be better than I am today. That's all you need for that.
Any new project you're working on?
I don't ever work 'for projects'. I just take pictures I keep trying to be better than I am.